Thursday, 15 January 2009

Visual Research / Black Holes

D&AD Brief: Animation / Science Museum / 2009

A collection of detailed illustrations produced demonstrating the effects that surround the black hole.

Having researched the fundamental theories behind the black hole, the only visible objects that are part of the black hole are gases starts light and space itself. Surrounding the black hole is a disk known as a quasar. Some black holes illustrated below produce a ray of light called jets in the centre of the black hole. 

Early existence and the creation of a black hole usually starts with a disk called a Ecretion Disk made up of gases. the gases swirl round and eventually caused the centre to collapse causing a black hole.

Beyond the black hole - In theory the reason for why it is referred to as the black hole is because the centre emits no light similarly to the colour black, The centre drags matter such as gas stars light and the fabric of space itself. There are three types of Black holes: 

A mini black hole. • 

A Stella Black hole which evolves from a collapsed star • 2 – 15 times bigger than our sun. 

A Super massive black hole in theory is 1 – 2 million • times in mass of our sun and lies within the core of many galaxies. 

Links with black holes and galaxies have been suggested and suggestions of the black hole playing the part of the existence of the formations of galaxies has been reported in the past.

compiled research..

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